Linda Grant - "Real, relatable & totally remarkable".

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“Twenty odd years ago after our third child was born – I made the choice to quit my career & be a fulltime Mum.

Whilst no choices come without sacrifices & struggles, I felt I needed to to invest in ‘figuring out how to live full of grace, full of joy before our kids had flown the coop and my mothering days had folded up quiet’. (to paraphrase Ann Voskamp)

I know at times I’ve failed horribly, but I’m thankful for this ‘family-filled chapter’ in my story & the joy that ‘children companionship’ has given to me.

Amongst other things, I’ve involved myself in a small way in the multifaceted ministry of African Enterprise & of various prayer groups & community projects. This has blessed me & also ensured that I’m always connected to something bigger than myself – in my case, my greatest friend, the Lord Jesus Christ.

I’ve also enjoyed growing a simple garden, creating a home, making family & more recently, doing the Strongest Story course!

This year with our youngest starting University far from home, I knew that a new season in my life had dawned. It was time to reflect intentionally on my story. The course provided just that opportunity.

Firstly, it was so affirming, but it also challenged me to be braver & to move out of my comfort zone. A seemingly trite example has been to fly more often with my husband, which, in a small plane, I find terrifying! Accompanying him is good for us both and is helping me take greater ownership and engage more fully in this new, somewhat ‘empty-nest’, life-chapter.

I have also recognised afresh the beauty & appeal of a confident woman at peace with herself.

Ensuring we’re on track with God’s unique plan for our lives in each different season is powerfully, yet subtly & sensitively outlined in the course.
This, and so much more, including meeting a great bunch of down to earth, wonderfully warm women of all ages, made every component of this inspirational course - creatively & meticulously designed by two hugely capable, compassionate & caring women in Debs and Jacqs – totally worthwhile!”
