How it all started 1

It all began...

In the midst of 2016, we headed out on a road trip together, into the picturesque Cape wine lands of South Africa. Our destination? To witness our husbands, Michael and Gary, take on yet another gruelling day of the Cape Epic Mountain Biking Race.

The lead-up to this Epic had been nothing short of intense. For months, they'd poured their hearts and souls into training, and now as we approached the race venue, excitement bubbled up and like two schoolgirl cheerleaders, we bounded over to the track and made a big fanfare as they finished Day 4 of the eight day ride.

Muddied up and utterly exhausted, we all sat together as they rehydrated and devoured piles of protein. They eagerly shared tales of navigating down dangerous single tracks, of enduring the harsh heat, and most they shared their elation at having conquered the mountains of this epic adventure.

It wasn’t too long after this that they were whisked away for TV interviews, recovery ice-baths, and massages.  If truth be told, they left us feeling a little deflated. We felt a little ‘left out’ of this big adventure of theirs. We wanted so badly to be part of it, longing to be more than just spectators on the sidelines. We felt envious of their broad adrenalin-fuelled grins, their sweaty raw passion mixed with the excitement of being a part of such a monumental adventure.

Sitting beneath the empathetic arms of an old oak tree, we began to reflect on how often life can make us feel like we're mere spectators in someone else's grand story. There are moments when it seems as though we're watching our own lives unfold without playing the role of the main character of our own story. We confessed that maybe we simply doubted whether our own stories were big or exciting enough.  

From that warm afternoon of heartfelt confessions beneath the old oak tree, the idea of "Living your Strongest Story" was born. As women, we share a common desire to know that our own stories truly matter. Many of us are tired of sitting on the sidelines of others’ stories as if our lacked genuine significance.

Together we have designed Living your Strongest Story to challenge and encourage all women (including ourselves) to become more intentional about living their strongest story.   

We believe that each one of us has been created with unique strengths and deep passions, both of which direct us towards our purpose. Our program is designed to help you unearth this purpose and actively pursue it. We're convinced that doing so will infuse your life with boundless energy and a profound sense of fulfilment.  

We are so excited to take this journey with you! But be warned, it’s not a safe one and there’s no sitting on the sidelines. There are scary single tracks to navigate, and there will be plenty of steep mountains to climb. But what really matters is that you’ll be playing the lead role in a great adventure that is your own story.

Let's get going!

Deborah & Jacqui

How it all started 2