Growing your Strongest Story!

When did you last edit your own story?

We spend so much of our time swiping and liking other people’s stories that we completely avoid growing our own story.

As young people in todays crazy world, we are desperately trying to tell an authentic and good story, but we lose direction, we make careless choices and ultimately we’re left feeling confused about who we really are.

This doesn’t make for a good story.

So the question is...

Will our lives become just another unexceptional and uninspiring story that people will just scroll past? Or is it possible for us to grow a life story that stands out – one that changes us and the world around us.

The answer is yes, it is possible. This is our strongest story and it’s a really good one!

How can Strongest Story help?

Growing your Strongest Story guides young people though the complex and exciting adventure of discovering who they really are where they want to go?

It’s the perfect way to help young people discover for themselves the answers to many of the questions they are currently faced with:

  • What is it that I really want from my life?

  • What destination and direction do I want for my story?

  • What are my personal values and how do these affect the choices I make?

  • What activities energize and excite me?

  • What strengths am I naturally equipped with and how can I use them more effectively?

  • How do I ‘work out my why’?

  • With a better undertanding of my strengths and passions, what are possible careers/subject choices for me to pursue?

  • How do I ‘create a career’?

  • How do I begin with the end in mind?

  • How do I align ‘what I do’ with ‘who I am’?

  • How do I ‘pick a path’?

  • How do I build resilience and ‘grow my grit’?

  • Who’s support do I need to grow my strongest story?

  • How can I add value and contribute to the world around me?

Is this for you?

Growing your Strongest Story is uniqely designed for young women between the ages of 14 and 19 years.

The course content is designed to meet the needs and demands placed specifically on teenagers and appeals to a diversity of race, religion and socio-economic standing. We customize the delivery of the course content to suit the unique demographics of each audience.

What is involved?

Deborah and Jacqui present a comprehensive 2 session course OR a one day workshop on the concept and implementation of Growing your Strongest Story. The timing and structure can be customized to suit your specific requirements.

We strongly believe in the power of storytelling and use this medium throughout the course to help young people arrive at their own place of discovery and learning.

The concept is presented with inspiring multi-media material and is very specifically designed with teenagers in mind, to be engaging and thought provoking.

Each participant receives a journal that takes them step-by-step through the content . It is loaded with valuable information, interactive questions and stimulating activities; and becomes a treasured ‘take home’.

So, what do you say? Do you want to live a good story?

We hope you will say YES!