Next-Generation Raiser | Teacher of Truth | Champion of Hope
Author, blogger and inspirational speaker; Jaci Mungavin is a thought leader in the world of parenting. Her work has brought order and peace into the homes of thousands of families, restoring their vision and purpose in parenting.
Two of her children are adopted and this heartfelt experience has inspired her books “Finding Home” and “Purposeful Parenting”. Jaci is passionate about teaching and training her seven home schooled children and galvanizes other parents to take up the rewarding task of bringing up future world changers.
In December 2018 her constructed world came tumbling down. Her 13 year old daughter lay in a coma in ICU after a horrific car accident that left her with severe brain damage and only 48 hours to live. Jaci believes in facing life’s challenges head on and embracing life with all of its excruciating pain. In her words: “I want my words to sustain the weary, and guide the seeking.”
“Suffering had been the tool that stripped away the suffocation.We were alive and we knew it, and everything was different.” Jaci Mungavin
@jacimg on Instagram
@jacimungavin1 on Facebook
JACI speaks to Strongest Story on overcoming fear and hopelessness. Her soothing story of overcoming has attracted the attention of strangers around the world. It will give you goosebumps and tears whilst simultaneously reconstructing your heart with hope.
“Everything changed for us in a moment that Christmas Eve; as our 13-year-old daughter lay in my lap and I pressed gently with a towel on her head to curb the bleeding, and felt soft brokenness where solid skull should have been.
Our story of overcoming had begun years earlier with an everyday, unremarkable journey of faithful faith; but found its pinnacle at the top of a metaphorical mountain with our daughter on the altar of a surgeon’s table.
For some mysterious reason, God turned the eyes of a watching world towards us as we waited and prayed and kept hope alive. And as we surrendered all other hope but hope in the eternal, he showed the world that he is still the God who sees, and the God who can. Surrender made way for our victory, and our story of overcoming was very simply a story of hope in The Overcomer.
The battle is won when we stand in spite of fear, and never forget to #keephopealive .”
A message from Strongest Story:
This is how I’ve always known Jaci to be; a woman of uncompromising contrasts. From the first time we met when she was a petite blonde girl studying mechatronic engineering at UCT; her gentle kindness and fierce honesty struck me. I’ve watched her turn 21 where her Dad affectionately termed her “the cleverest girl in the world”, to her romantic beach wedding where she was swept up by the love of her life Richard, to bravely birthing her natural and adopted children. She lifts her head up to look for help, to learn the truth and at the same time puts her head down when the going gets tough to find what it takes to never quit. Jaci wore her heart on her sleeve when she openly prepared herself to lose her first born. She penned her inner, most painful thoughts with the most candid vulnerability. My heart broke. But her heart never lost hope whatever the outcome. She may consider herself to be an ordinary woman, but to us she is anything but ordinary. Jaci – you live your strongest story with unwavering commitment. Strongest Story salutes you!